Monday, September 6, 2010

Just call me Captain Underpants!

I have been drumming up support among my facebook friends for this worthy cause (PLUS - there's some awesome giveaways on offer this month for pledging). Everyone should jump on board and send this great charity a pair of jocks for the kids!

Backpacks 4 Aussie Kids is a charity set up to help provide some comfort to kids in care - their mission is 1000 backpacks with all the essentials a child may need when unexpectedly taken into care (a toothbrush, a change of clothes etc). With 472 bags (as of today) packed - they are well on their way!

While they are currently asking for pledges of underpants, there are so many ways you can help:
Don't forget you can also buy items online and put their postal address in the 'ship to' section!

So throw a pair of children's knickers into the trolley when you are doing your shopping this month - you won't even notice the cost but it will mean the world to a little kid out there who could really use your help!

I'd love to hear about what charities you support and how you try to 'make a difference'


  1. Hi Jess! I am the founder of Backpacks 4 Aussie Kids. thanks so much for your support!

  2. Hi Des,
    more than happy to spread the word - you're doing a great thing!


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